пятница, 13 июня 2014 г.

How to Become a Genius Like Einstein

Posted by
Andy Peloquin

Einstein was an amazing man, a genius, and a creator. The world owes him a debt of gratitude for everything that he gave us, and he truly is a man to emulate.
If you want to be like Einstein, you'll find that it's easier said than done. Not only did he have an amazing intellect, but he had a unique worldview that made it possible for him to think way outside the box. If you want to become a genius like Einstein, here's how to start thinking like he did:


Did you know that Einstein spent hours just sitting and thinking, daydreaming, and contemplating the world around him? Most people consider this to be a waste of time, but it's when you daydream that your mind creates connections between things you consider totally unrelated. Daydreaming is like brainstorming for the creative mind, so let your mind drift and see what amazing insights you can come up with.

Seek Out Fellow Geniuses

The best way to encourage genius is to be around other geniuses. Positive peer pressure always yields good results, so surround yourself with people who will push you to be smarter, work harder, and be more creative. Rub shoulders with fellow geniuses, and work with a mentor who will help you develop your specific genius in the most effective way.

Think For Yourself

Einstein had an abiding suspicion for the educational structure, particularly the way teachers told him, "This is right because I say it is." It's time to start thinking for yourself, finding out the "whys" behind everything. Independent thought is the key to discovery, so be curious and trust your curiosity to lead you in the right direction.

Cross Educate

Did you know that Einstein played the violin like a master? Music provided him with another way of thinking, and it helped him to get creative in his mathematics. There is a subconscious link between just about every field of study on the planet, so give yourself a well-rounded education on a wide range of topics. You'll be amazed by how learning something totally new and unrelated can shift your way of thinking and help you get creative with your thought processes.

Don't Waste Time

How much time do you think Einstein would spend on Facebook or Angry Birds if he lived today? Most of his time was spent working, studying, daydreaming, or practicing his violin. Don't dedicate your time or your valuable brain resources to time-wasters, but cut them out of your life. You don't have to fill every hour of your day with work or study, but instead do things that sharpen your brain--such as puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku, Rubik's cube, and more.

Observe the World Around You

Don't just walk through the world with unseeing eyes, but really OBSERVE everything. Watch the way the wind blows that piece of garbage, the way the trees stretch toward the sun, and how your favorite food smells. Start dissecting everything in your mind. The more observant you are of the world around you, the more hidden meaning you will find.

Study Up

Want to become a genius like Einstein? Much of his time was spent sharpening his math skills and studying new things. If you have the potential to be a genius, study the things that are your natural area of expertise. It takes hours of study to become an expert, and only once you're an expert can you really start to get creative and think like a genius!

воскресенье, 8 июня 2014 г.

Израиль и черная икра

Чёрная икра, бывшая когда-то одним из «самых русских» брендов, становится товаром интернациональным.  Так несколько лет назад в первую тройку мировых экспортеров икры осетровых вошел Израиль.

Израиль и черная икра. Странно?  Да, но израильские компании поставляют сегодня осетровую икру в США и Европу, и, что самое удивительное – в Россию, страну, которую можно назвать мировым центром осетровых рыб. Созданием особой отрасли рыбного хозяйства – разведению осетров и получению осетровой икры, Израиль обязан выходцам из Румынии. В 90-х в кибуце Дан, специализирующемся на разведении различных сортов рыб, они решили выращивать форель и осетров.

1. Предприятие было создано в 1992 году, когда Игаль Бен-Цви привез из России оплодотворенную икру осетровых.

2. Сейчас в нескольких прудах кибуца обитает более 70 тысяч осетров. Возраст большинства из них – около 12 лет. Каждая рыба приносит примерно по 2,5-3 килограмма икры. Водоемы готовы к запуску осетра.

3. Исходный материал – оплодотворенную икру осетров, или мальков, получили из Астрахани и других городов Каспийского моря. Из них вырастили крупных осетров и, используя современные методы ихтиологии и разведения рыб, создали такой объем, что Израиль стал экспортером осетровой икры, которую называют еще и черной икрой, под маркой «Галилейская икра».

Крытый контейнер для разведения осетровых.

4. В проект вложено 40 млн шекелей. Рынок – весьма перспективный – только за последние два года объем продажи израильский икры за рубеж вырос в 10 раз.

5. Компания Кавиар-Галиль в 2010 году впервые продала за рубеж свою икру, получив за год прибыль в 15 млн шекелей – более чем треть вложенных за 10 лет средств. На фото: Чтобы сохранить свежесть, рыбу помещают в контейнеры со льдом.

6. Сальман Мархаж, работник рыбной фермы в Израиле: «Прежде чем извлечь икру, для всех рыб старше 8 лет мы устраиваем проверку. Нам надо убедиться, что икра созрела. В животе делаем маленький надрез, и с помощью щупа извлекаем икринки. Здесь мы видим икринки меньше трех миллиметров, надо подождать еще пол-года. Выпускаем рыбу обратно в бассейн».

7. Компания прошла самый сложный этап – формирования популяции самок осетра для достижения половой зрелости и начала икрометания. На это уходит 10-11 лет. За это время мировые цены на икру поднялись с $500 до $4000 за кг.
Забитую рыбу тщательно промывают до того, как извлечь из нее икру.

8. Израиль – единственное государство в мире, которое, не имея выхода к Каспийскому морю, экспортирует осетровых и черную икру.

9. Ученые удивлены – на Каспии осетр начинает «метать икру» лишь по достижению 13-15 лет - полового созревания. Судя по всему, климат Израиля, а возможно – и некие технологии, которые израильтяне не раскрывают, сократили этот период на 3-4 года.

10. Основные производители черной икры – Россия и Иран. Основные браконьеры на Каспии – россияне и азербайджанцы – именно здесь, возвращаясь с нереста из Волги в Каспий, поголовье осетров существенно сокращается. Еще 10% добывается в Юго-Западной Франции, в реках долины Бордо, куда рыбы осетровых пород приходят на нерест. В Иране браконьерство сурово наказывается. До Туркмении осетр почти не доходит.

11. За последние 15 лет популяция осетровых на Каспии сократилась в 40 раз. Вследствие экологической катастрофы цена килограмма черной икры на мировом рынке выросла с 500 долларов до 4 тысяч. Причина лавинообразного скачка цен - запрет на лов осетровых в бассейне Каспийского моря, где добывается 90% всей черной икры в мире. С 1 августа 2007 года в России на 10 лет ввели запрет на добычу и продажу черной икры.

12. Сотрудник кибуца (справа) вынимает икру, а второй готовит ее для упаковки.

13. Черная икра на деле имеет шесть цветовых оттенков. Эта – зернистая, с бронзовым отливом по утверждению израильских производителей одна из лучших в своем роде.

14. Тысячи мелких икринок, полученных из осетровых рыб.

15. Икру приправляют солью и тщательно перемешивают.

16. Русский термин «малосоленая» – трансформировался в термин Mallosol. В мире специалистов по черному золоту это означает «правильная, высший сорт».

17. В Израиле осетр спросом совсем не пользуется, потому что осетр – рыба некошерная. У кошерной – должна быть чешуя.

18. Директор кибуца Игаль Бен Цви демонстрирует баночку икры весом в одну унцию (28 грамм), которая стоит 140 долларов.

19. Директор кибуца Игаль Бен Цви держит одного из молодых осетров со своей фермы.

20. Крекеры в виде статуэтки Оскар, которые подают с лососем и черной икрой во время ежегодного гала-приема по случаю церемонии награждения премией в Голливуде.

21. Магнитики на холодильник в виде бутербродов с пластиковой черной и красной икрой.

И советую посмотреть это познавательное видео с фермы по разведению королевской рыбы.

понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

How One Question Can Change Your Work Culture

“What’s the best thing that happened to you today?”

I challenge you to greet everyone in this way – watch their faces light up!
  • Begin your staff meetings with asking everyone to answer the question “what’s the best thing that happened to you since we last met” – it will transform the group dynamics! You will be amazed at how much better the meetings flow and at the improvement in creativity and ideas.
  • Leave it as a message on your voice mail! “Hi – I can’t take your call right now but if you tell me the best thing that’s happened to you all day – I’ll call you back!”
  • Ask your colleagues to do this daily, as well as your clients, customers and family.
Asking this question will make you popular!
If you do this consistently, people will look forward to seeing you, because for some reason that they won’t understand, they will like being around you and feel good when they are with you.
Remember this is a very sophisticated way to change a persons physiology as they release ‘happy’ drugs when they recall something pleasant!
The field of positive psychology proves that a ratio of 3:1 positive comments or experiences or feelings a day to negative transforms workplaces and people! If you are scoring an average of 3:1 positive: negative in your workday, you will flourish! At home, the science shows us it is 5:1!!
Every time you greet a person with “what’s the best thing….” You will be giving them one positive! Every time they greet you with it, YOU will have a positive experience.
Remember – three to one – positive to negative – go for it!
For Families: Please, please, please make this a family ritual – so that every night it’s a tradition to ask everyone in your family or home ‘What’s the best thing that happened to you today?’ It’s a great way to find out what is happening in your children or spouses lives, and it will transform the atmosphere in your home each night.

9 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Mind

By Taylor Kubota for Men's Journal
Whether it's becoming a Sudoku champion or remembering the name of someone you just met, everyone probably wishes they could muster up a little extra brain power. There are no quick fixes when it comes to improving or the preventing decline of cognitive functions like memory, info processing or critical thinking but there are some very basic steps you can take to keep your brain as healthy as possible.
"A lot of things that should be recommend for reducing dementia are actually just common sense and work for general health too," says Dr. Joe Verghese, professor of neurology and medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. "The challenge is getting people to do it." Eating right, exercising and staying mentally active top the list of brain health boosters but they aren't the only options.
1. Keep Learning
A lot of research has found that education provides some protection from waning mental function. The theory is that people with more education have a greater cognitive reserve, basically something of an extra buffer against the effects of decline. But it's a bit of a double-edged sword. "People who are more highly educated tend to get Alzheimer's at a later age but once they get it, they're getting it at a higher load of the disease and appear to decline at a faster rate," says Verghese.
2. Do A Crossword
Even if you're not looking to jump back into school, you can still use other forms of mental activity to give your mind a workout. "Education gives you a boost earlier in life -- it builds up your cognitive muscle -- but in older life, if you want to maintain that advantage, you have to continue taking part in mentally stimulating activities," says Verghese. He conducted a study of 488 adults over the age of 75 and found that doing cognitive activities -- like crossword puzzles, reading or playing music -- actually delayed the onset of memory decline among people who eventually developed dementia. The results showed that for every cognitively active day, dementia was delayed by about two months.
3. Ignore Negativity
Stereotype threat occurs when a person is in a situation where they are anxious that they may conform to a negative stereotype aimed at his or her social group. Stereotype threat stemming from beliefs about age and memory loss can hinder the performance of middle-ages and older people on memory tests. However, positive stereotypes, or success on previous memory tasks, can help combat this negativity. Oddly enough, stereotype threat has also been shown to improve performance when tasks are focused on losses rather than gains.
4. Use All Of Your Senses
Sensory memory consists of iconic (visual), echoic (auditory) and haptic (touch-related) memory and is usually very short-term. Yet studies – often stemming from marketing research – have shown that involving multiple senses, like the picture of a flower with a floral scent, enhances people's ability to memorize what their senses are taking in.
5. Socialize
friends chatting
While many studies have found an association between social support and better cognitive functioning, it's hard to tell which one causes the other. A 2008 study that looks at retired people found that memory among people who were least socially integrated declined twice as much as in people who were most socially integrated. Researchers have suggested that socializing may help our minds because it encourages people to take better care of themselves, reduces stress and releases beneficial neurohormones, stemming from the emotions usually caused by being with loved ones.
6. Don't Multitask
Many of us may prize ourselves on our multitasking prowess but science generally shows that splitting our attention is more problematic than productive. One studylooking at working memory -- quick storage of information -- had younger and older adults perform recognition tests with or without interruptions. They found that adults of all ages get sidetracked by interferences but that older adults have a harder time refocusing after they've been distracted.
7. Spaced Interval Repetition
If you've ever had to memorize something, you are probably familiar with spaced interval repetition (SIR). SIR is a learning technique that uses repeated testing over increasing intervals until it whatever you're trying to memorize finally sticks. So you test yourself a lot at first, then less and less over time. It sounds really basic but SIR is a well-supported way to get the most out of your memory – and a reason there are so many new smartphone apps that follow this technique.
8. Exercise
The hippocampus -- the part of the brain critical to the formation of long-term memory -- typically shrinks as we age, which can contribute to memory impairment and dementia. Fortunately, exercise (which is already great for our health) may actually reverse this shrinking. One study found the effects of exercise increased hippocampus volume by an amount equal to what older people lose in one to two years. "Studies have shown that exercise improves blood flow to the brain and it also stimulates production of nerve growth factors," says Verghese. Even just six minutes of exercise post-learning can help boost memory.
9. Eat Right
There is a well-documented link between what we eat and how our brains function. One study showed that putting rats on a high sugar diet for a mere six weeks impaired their cognitive functioning. Being overweight has also been tied to increases in mental health problems. If you just can't get enough of your high-fructose corn syrup, the researchers also found that consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- like salmon, walnuts and soybeans -- may help counter sugar's brain drain.