
Similar to the alerts dashboard, the recommendations panel lists the recommendations provided by the system, and the user can click on one of them to read further information about it.


If the center has gathered information from satisfaction surveys, a summary of the results of these surveys is shown in this dashboard. It also shows the trend (whether positive or negative) using a color code so that users can easily identified whether patient perception has improved regarding a certain KPI.


The system has been evaluated at the residential center of Aravaca (Madrid, Spain), gathering a total of 7,473 events. The KPIs that have been identified as essential are the number of hourly events (avg.: 15.37), the average waiting time (351.15 secs), the average time required by the healthcare personnel (35.47 secs), the average time required by other processes (315.68 secs), the daily number of remote cancellations (avg.: 46.36), and the average number of available nurses (6.79).
During the pilot, we observed that the average waiting time during the night was much smaller (184.54 secs) than in other shifts, and most of the events took place in the evening shift (16.14 vs. 7.76 in the morning and 8.19 at night). Also, we conclude that there is a positive correlation between the number of events and the waiting time.
Regarding the floor number, we have seen that lower floors have more events and higher waiting times; further, the trend shows that as the floor number grows (from 1 to 4), the activity decreases.
The time frame between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. is the busiest, showing that more personnel is required to attend the center's demand.
Additionally, we have considered satisfaction surveys as an additional validation mechanism. To ensure that the quality metrics match the surveys’ results, we have computed the Pearson R2 correlation between the satisfaction levels and the number of events and waiting times (see Table 1). As we expected, in almost every case, there is a strong inverse correlation, showing that more activity higher waiting times lead to less satisfied patients.
Table 1. Pearson R2 correlation coefficient over waiting time or activity with patients' satisfaction, grouped by shift and floor
ShiftFloorR2 (Waiting Time)R2 (Activity)

Conclusions and future work

In this paper we have presented DataCare, an intelligent and scalable healthcare management system. DataCare is able to retrieve data from AdvantCare through sensors which are installed in healthcare center rooms and from contextual information.
The Data Processing and Analysis modules are able to preprocess, process, and analyze data in a scalable fashion. The system processes are implemented over Apache Spark, and as such they are able to work with big data, and all data (including historic, real-time, and consolidated and aggregated values) are stored in MongoDB.
The Analytics Engine, which is part of the aforementioned module, implements a three-fold intelligent behavior. First, it provides a prediction system which is able to estimate the values of the KPIs for the rest of the day. This system runs as a daily batch process, and the forecast is updated twice, at 8 a.m. and at 4 p.m., to provide more accurate results. Second, it can provide both real-time alerts and early alerts, with the latter ones being fired when some future prediction of a KPI falls outside the expected boundaries. Third, a recommendation system is able to provide weekly recommendations to improve the overall center performance and metrics, thus impacting in a positive manner patient satisfaction. Recommendations are based on alerts and a pre-defined rules set consisting of 52 rules, which has been designed by experts.
For the users to be able to see and understand the valuable information provided by DataCare, the Visual Analytics module provides six different dashboards which displays a summary of the current status, real-time KPIs along with predictions and expected thresholds, historic values, alerts, recommendations, and patients’ surveys results.
DataCare has been implemented and tested in a real pilot in the residential center of Aravaca (Madrid, Spain). To validate the software, patients’ satisfaction and KPI correlation were explored, obtaining the expected results. The software also led to some interesting conclusions regarding how KPIs vary depending on the context, such as the shift or the floor.
After the pilot, we worked to identify some improvements, which are left for future work. First, healthcare personnel attending patients are not identified by the system, even though the sensors used allow this identification with the use of RFID tags. By identifying personnel, the center could trace the efficiency of each employee individually. Also, information about planned tours is very limited as it only observes the visited rooms and the visit times, but no other metrics.
So far, DataCare polls the AdvantCare API REST to retrieve data, but in the near future we will update the platform so that the communication is asynchronous.
To evaluate the prediction system, we also propose to develop a self-monitoring system which evaluates the deviation between the predicted and the real series, firing an alert if this deviation goes above a threshold, as it would mean that the prediction system is failing to accurately forecast the KPI.


Special acknowledgements to WildBit Studios for the development and pilots of DataCare. This project is partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism in the “Economy and Digital Society Strategic Action” program, under reference number TSI100105-2014-62.


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This presentation is faithful to the original, with only a few minor changes to presentation. Grammar has been updated for clarity. In some cases important information was missing from the references, and that information was added. The original article lists references alphabetically, but this version — by design — lists them in order of appearance.