суббота, 20 марта 2021 г.

Airbag For Bike


Airbag for Bike by Forteon is a patented airbag design that aims to save motorcycle riders' lives. We have created preliminary prototypes but need funding to create fully functioning prototypes for crash testing.

Please help us save lives!

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcycle riders are 28 times more likely to die in a crash than occupants of passenger vehicles. It's no surprise that motorcyclists are often referred to as "organ donors" or "donor-cyclers" in hospital emergency rooms. 

As motorcycle riders ourselves, we understand the risks that we take stepping onto our bikes. No matter how safe that you try to be, you can't control those around you. Our goal is to save lives and reduce debilitating injuries for riders.  

This technology has the potential to save lives. There is a high probability that each of you has had a friend or family member hurt in a motorcycle crash

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