воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.


Roche et al., Science Translational Medicine (2017)
A Good Squeeze
Heart failure afflicts some 5.7 million Americans. But a new air-powered robot designed by researchers at Harvard University may be able to provide some assistance—in the form of a squeeze. The proof-of-concept device wraps around the heart and gives it a hug, which inflates and deflates the organ and restores normal blood flow.

Alan Rees
No Place Like Home
This loggerhead turtle is sporting a high-tech GPS tracking device that lets scientists track its foraging and nesting habits. The ongoing project has allowed scientists to find better ways to protect the species. But it also has helped reveal something interesting about the animals: they always, always travel to their birthplace to lay their eggs. One loggerhead traveled 100 miles just to get back home.

Harvard Biodesign Lab
Spandex Exosuits
Exosuits are usually big, bulky things—that look even bulkier when someone puts them on. But a new type of exosuit, introduced this week in Science Robotics, looks more like a set of tights with a bunch of wires attached to it. But it seems to work as well or better than more robotic versions.

Dr. Vazrick Nazari
Donald Trump swore into office earlier today, making him the 45th president of the United States of America. But just a few days earlier, the animal kingdom also gained a Donald Trump—in the form of a moth. University of California, Davis entomologist Vazrick Nazari stumbled upon a new genus of twirler moth and decided to name it after the president-to-be: Neopalpa Donaldtrumpi

Stuck The Landing (And The Photo)
Moving targets are not the easiest thing to photograph, especially when they are moving at rocket-speed. But whoever took this image of SpaceX’s recent Falcon 9 launch and landing had some mad skill. And they clearly got pretty lucky, too.

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