воскресенье, 27 апреля 2014 г.

Какой язык самый трудный?

Делить языки на трудные и легкие ― всё равно, что делить книги на интересные и неинтерсные. У каждого такая классификация будет своя. Всё зависит от трёх основных критериев...

1. Родной язык (как известно, родной язык никогда не бывает трудным. Следовательно, все остальные языки трудны настолько, насколько сильно они отличаются от родного языка).

2. Квалификация (филологу-лингвисту даже самые трудные языки будут даваться намного легче, чем человеку, не имеющему никакого отношения к языкознанию).

3. Языковая среда (в языковой среде любым языком можно овладеть намного легче, а, главное, — быстрее, чем в языковой изоляции).

Для носителей русского языка градация трудностей будет выглядеть следующим образом:

Самыми лёгкими для них будут другие славянские языки: украинский, польский, чешский, болгарский, сербский и т.д. 

Вторую степень трудности будут представлять европейские языки, относящиеся вместе со славянскими к индоевропейской языковой семье: балтийские (литовский, латышский), германские (немецкий, английский, нидерландский, шведский и др.), романские (французский, итальянский, испанский, румынский и др.), кельтские (ирландский, валлийский и др.), индоиранские (осетинский, цыганский), другие индоевропейские языки (греческий, албанский). Причём, по мнению многих лингвистов, самыми лёгкими из неславянских языков для русскоговорящих будут испанский и итальянский языки, а английский занимает только третье место по лёгкости; замыкает этот список немецкий, французский и скандинавские языки.

Третью степень трудности будут представлять индоевропейские языки, распространённые за пределами европейского культурного ареала: армянский, иранские (персидский, курдский), индийские (хиндустани (xинди и урду), бенгальский, маратхи, панджабский, непальский, сингальский, мальдивский и т.д.). 

Четвёртую степень трудности будут представлять языки, не принадлежащие к индоевропейской языковой семье: тюркские (турецкий, азербайджанский, узбекский, якутский) и прочие алтайские (монгольский, калмыцкий, нанайский, корейский, японский), уральские (финский, эстонский, венгерский и прочие финно-угорские и самодийские языки), афразийские (семито-хамитские) (арабский, иврит, мальтийский, хауса, сомали), картвельские (грузинский), дравидские (тамильский, телугу, малаялам). Однако перечисленные выше языки ― еще не самые трудные, ибо они с индоевропейскими языками образуют так называемую ностратическую макросемью и имеют целый ряд общиx черт с индоевропейскими. 

Высшую степень трудности будут представлять языки, не являющиеся ностратическими, а потому ― совсем непохожие на европейские. Это, прежде всего, языки Северного Кавказа (абхазский, кабардинский, чеченский, аварский), так называемые изолирующие языки Юго-Восточной Азии (китайский, вьетнамский, тайский, бирманский, кxмерский и прочие китайско-тибетские и австроазиатские языки), языки «Чёрной» Африки (суахили, зулу, йоруба, яунде, волоф и т.д.), языки Океании (папуасские, полинезийские (гавайский, маори, самоанский и др.), меланезийские (фиджи и др.), австралийские (сабайгал и др.) и т.д.), языки американских индейцев (чероки, навахо, нахуатль, майя, кечуа, арауканский и др.).

Однако кроме субъективных трудностей, в любом языке встречаются еще и объективные: запутанные правила с многочисленными исключениями, отсутствие всякой логики в некоторых грамматических категориях (как, например, грамматический род неодушевленных предметов в большинстве европейских языков) и т.д. Но такие трудности в любом языке «уравновешены», так что, если в том или ином языке что-то очень трудно, что-то там обязательно должно быть очень легко. Не бывает языков, одинаково трудных во всех отношениях!!! 

И, всё же, для того, чтобы овладеть любым языком, нужно приложить определенные усилия. А главное — навсегда расстаться со стереотипом, будто бы во всеx языкаx всё должно быть выражено точно так же, как и в твоем родном. Каждый язык — это своя автономная знаковая система, свой способ отображения объективной реальности. Разные языки — это разные xудожники, которые отображают одну и ту же действительность, но каждый делает это в своей оригинальной манере, используя свой арсенал способов выражения, акцентируя внимание на одниx деталяx, и упуская из виду другие.


1. Самый сложный язык для изучения – баскский, он настолько сложный, что во время Второй мировой войны этот язык применяли как шифр.

2. Досчитать до трех на нивхском языке (распространен в северной части о. Сахалин) — непростая задача. Нивхские числительные звучат по-разному в зависимости от того, что считают: лыжи, лодки или связки вяленой рыбы. Всего в языке 26 способов счета.

3. В табасаранском языке (один из официальных языков Дагестана) существует 48 падежей существительных.

4. В эскимосском языке насчитывается 63 формы настоящего времени и 252 окончания простых существительных.

5. Чтобы научиться квалифицированно переводить тексты на санскрите или писать на нем, человеку потребуется изучать его не менее 12 лет.

6. В языке североамериканского индейского племени чиппева 6 000 глагольных форм – больше, чем в любом другом языке.

7. Про абазинский язык, распространённый в Карачаево-Черкесии, говорят: не зная его с детства, овладеть им в зрелом возрасте почти невозможно. А всё из-за чрезвычайно сложной фонетики.

8. Наиболее полный словарь китайского языка содержит более 87 000 иероглифов, каждый из которых обозначает свой слог. Самым сложным является архаичный иероглиф се – «болтливый», состоящий из 64 черт, а из использующихся в настоящее время — иероглиф нан, который содержит 36 черт и означает «заложенный нос».


суббота, 26 апреля 2014 г.

The ATM Strikes Back

The bombardier beetle inspired the researchers of ETH Zurich.JAYVEE18 – FOTOLIA
Hot foam may soon send criminals running if they damage ATM. ETH researchers have developed a special film that triggers an intense reaction when destroyed. The idea originates from a beetle that uses a gas explosion to fend off attackers.
Its head and pronotum are usually rusty red, and its abdomen blue or shiny green: the bombardier beetle is approximately one centimetre long and common to Central Europe. At first glance, it appears harmless, but it possesses what is surely the most aggressive chemical defence system in nature. When threatened, the bombardier beetle releases a caustic spray, accompanied by a popping sound. This spray can kill ants or scare off frogs. The beetle produces the explosive agent itself when needed. Two separately stored chemicals are mixed in a reaction chamber in the beetle's abdomen. An explosion is triggered with the help of catalytic enzymes.

 “When you see how elegantly nature solves problems, you realise how deadlocked the world of technology often is,” says Wendelin Jan Stark, a professor from the ETH Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences. He and his team therefore looked to the bombardier beetle for inspiration and developed a chemical defence mechanism designed to prevent vandalism – a self-defending surface composed of several sandwich-like layers of plastic. If the surface is damaged, hot foam is sprayed in the face of the attacker. This technology could be used to prevent vandalism or protect valuable goods. “This could be used anywhere you find things that shouldn't be touched,” said Stark. In agriculture and forestry, for example, it could be used to keep animals from gnawing on trees.

Like a fuse

The researchers use plastic films with a honeycomb structure for their self-defending surface. The hollow spaces are filled with one of two chemicals: hydrogen peroxide or manganese dioxide. The two separate films are then stuck on top of each another. A layer of clear lacquer separates the two films filled with the different chemicals. When subjected to an impact, the interlayer is destroyed, causing the hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide to mix. This triggers a violent reaction that produces water vapour, oxygen and heat. Whereas enzymes act as catalysts in the bombardier beetle, manganese dioxide has proven to be a less expensive alternative for performing this function in the lab.
The researchers report that the product of the reaction in the film is more of a foam than a spray when compared to the beetle, as can be seen in slow motion video footage. Infrared images show that the temperature of the foam reaches 80 degrees. Just as in nature, very little mechanical energy is required in the laboratory to release a much greater amount of chemical energy – quite similar to a fuse or an electrically ignited combustion cycle in an engine.
The series of images of the destruction tests in the laboratory shows how the foam is released by the self-defending film. The infrared images show a temperature rise to 80 degrees.ETH ZÜRICH







Attacks on ATMs on the rise

The newly developed film may be particularly well suited to protecting ATMs or cash transports, write the researchers in their paper published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A. In ATMs, banknotes are kept in cash boxes, which are exchanged regularly. The Edinburgh-based European ATM Security Team reports that the number of attacks on ATMs has increased in recent years. During the first half of 2013, more than 1,000 attacks on ATMs took place in Europe, resulting in losses of EUR 10 million.
While protective devices that can spray robbers and banknotes already exist, these are mechanical systems, explains Stark. “A small motor is set in motion when triggered by a signal from a sensor. This requires electricity, is prone to malfunctions and is expensive.” The objective of his research group is to replace complicated control systems with cleverly designed materials.

Rendering banknotes useless

Front and back of a EUR 5 banknote, dyed blue by the self-defending surface.ETH ZURICHThis is precisely the goal of the self-defending surface. To protect the cash boxes, the researchers prepare the film by adding manganese dioxide. They then add a dye along with DNA enveloped in nanoparticles. If the film is destroyed, both the foam and the dye are released, thereby rendering the cash useless. The DNA nanoparticles that are also released mark the banknotes so that their path can be traced. Laboratory experiments with 5 euro banknotes have shown that the method is effective. The researchers write that the costs are also reasonable and expect one square meter of film to cost approximately USD 40.
In a similar earlier project, ETH researchers developed a multi-layer protective envelope for seed that normally undergoes complex chemical treatment. Researchers emulated the protective mechanism of peaches and other fruit, which releases toxic hydrogen cyanide to keep the kernels from being eaten. Wheat seeds are coated with substances that also form hydrocyanic acid when they react. However, the base substances are separated from each other in different layers and react only when the seeds are bitten by a herbivore. Stark describes the successful research method as “imitating nature and realising simple ideas with high-tech methods.”

Laboratory-Grown Vaginas Implanted in Patients

A schematic of the human female reproductive system. A recent pilot study is the first to demonstrate that vaginal organs can be constructed in the lab and used successfully in humans.IMAGE CREDIT: CDC, MYSID, WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
Scientists reported yesterday (Apr. 10) the first human recipients of laboratory-grown vaginal organs. A research team led by Anthony Atala, M.D., director of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine, describes in the Lancet long-term success in four teenage girls who received vaginal organs that were engineered with their own cells.

“This pilot study is the first to demonstrate that vaginal organs can be constructed in the lab and used successfully in humans,” said Atala. “This may represent a new option for patients who require vaginal reconstructive surgeries. In addition, this study is one more example of how regenerative medicine strategies can be applied to a variety of tissues and organs.”

The girls in the study were born with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, a rare genetic condition in which the vagina and uterus are underdeveloped or absent. The treatment could also potentially be applied to patients with vaginal cancer or injuries, according to the researchers.

The girls were between 13 and 18 years old at the time of the surgeries, which were performed between June 2005 and October 2008. Data from annual follow-up visits show that even up to eight years after the surgeries, the organs had normal function. 

“Tissue biopsies, MRI scans and internal exams using magnification all showed that the engineered vaginas were similar in makeup and function to native tissue, said Atlantida-Raya Rivera, lead author and director of the HIMFG Tissue Engineering Laboratory at the MRKH in Mexico City, where the surgeries were performed.

In addition, the patients’ responses to a Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire showed they had normal sexual function after the treatment, including desire and pain-free intercourse.

The organ structures were engineered using muscle and epithelial cells (the cells that line the body’s cavities) from a small biopsy of each patient’s external genitals. In a Good Manufacturing Practices facility, the cells were extracted from the tissues, expanded and then placed on a biodegradable material that was hand-sewn into a vagina-like shape. These scaffolds were tailor-made to fit each patient.

About five to six weeks after the biopsy, surgeons created a canal in the patient’s pelvis and sutured the scaffold to reproductive structures. Previous laboratory and clinical research in Atala’s lab has shown that once cell-seeded scaffolds are implanted in the body, nerves and blood vessels form and the cells expand and form tissue. At the same time the scaffolding material is being absorbed by the body, the cells lay down materials to form a permanent support structure – gradually replacing the engineered scaffold with a new organ.

Followup testing on the lab-engineered vaginas showed the margin between native tissue and the engineered segments was indistinguishable and that the scaffold had developed into tri-layer vaginal tissue.

Current treatments for MRHK syndrome include dilation of existing tissue or reconstructive surgery to create new vaginal tissue. A variety of materials can be used to surgically construct a new vagina – from skin grafts to tissue that lines the abdominal cavity. However, these substitutes often lack a normal muscle layer and some patients can develop a narrowing or contracting of the vagina. 

The researchers say that with conventional treatments, the overall complication rate is as high as 75 percent in pediatric patients, with the need for vaginal dilation due to narrowing being the most common complication.

Before beginning the pilot clinical study, Atala’s team evaluated lab-built vaginas in mice and rabbits beginning in the early 1990s. In these studies, scientists discovered the importance of using cells on the scaffolds. Atala’s team used a similar approach to engineer replacement bladders that were implanted in nine children beginning in 1998, becoming the first in the world to implant laboratory-grown organs in humans. The team has also successfully implanted lab-engineered urine tubes (urethras) into young boys.

The team said the current study is limited because of its size, and that it will be important to gain further clinical experience with the technique and to compare it with established surgical procedures.

Co-researchers were James J. Yoo, M.D., Ph.D., and Shay Soker, Ph.D., Wake Forest Baptist, and Diego R. Esquiliano M.D., Reyna Fierro-Pastrana P.hD., Esther Lopez-Bayghen Ph.D., Pedro Valencia M.D., and Ricardo Ordorica-Flores, M.D.,Children’s Hospital Mexico Federico Gomez Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico.

Finally, a Way to Authenticate Premium Chocolate

Testing premium chocolate for authenticity could help ensure people get what they pay for.IMAGE CREDIT: ANDRÉ KARWATH AKA AKA, WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
For some people, nothing can top a morsel of luxuriously rich, premium chocolate. But until now, other than depending on their taste buds, chocolate connoisseurs had no way of knowing whether they were getting what they paid for
In the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, scientists are reporting, for the first time, a method to authenticate the varietal purity and origin of cacao beans, the source of chocolate’s main ingredient, cocoa.
Dapeng Zhang and colleagues note that lower-quality cacao beans often get mixed in with premium varieties on their way to becoming chocolate bars, truffles, sauces and liqueurs. But the stakes for policing the chocolate industry are high. It’s a multi-billion dollar global enterprise, and in some places, it’s as much art as business. There’s also a conservation angle to knowing whether products are truly what confectioners claim them to be. The ability to authenticate premium and rare varieties would encourage growers to maintain cacao biodiversity rather than depend on the most abundant and easiest to grow trees. Researchers have found ways to verify through genetic testing the authenticity of many other crops, including cereals, fruits, olives, tea and coffee, but those methods aren’t suitable for cacao beans. Zhang’s team wanted to address this challenge.
Applying the most recent developments in cacao genomics, they were able to identify a small set of DNA markers called SNPs (pronounced “snips”) that make up unique fingerprints of different cacao species. The technique works on single cacao beans and can be scaled up to handle large samples quickly. “To our knowledge, this is the first authentication study in cacao using molecular markers,” the researchers state.
The authors acknowledge funding from the Agricultural Research Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a financial gift from the Lindt and Sprüngli chocolate company through the World Cocoa Foundation.

Dino Eggs Shape Easter Eggs

The pale gray eggs are from birds, the darker gray eggs are from dinosaurs. Most Easter eggs, as shown on the right, are similar in shape to bird's eggs, but some are closer to the eggs of dinosaurs. The Easter egg on the left is particularly close to the newly described egg Sankofa.MARK PURNELL, UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER
Research by paleontologists in Spain and the UK suggests that not all Easter eggs come from the same "parent" species; some could be from dinosaurs, including a new species from the Pyrenees
An international group of researchers has helped to determine that dinosaurs have shaped the Easter eggs we buy in the high street.
Scientists investigating whether 70 million-year-old fossil eggs found in the Pyrenees were laid by birds, or their dinosaur ancestors, have published their findings in the current issue of the journal Palaeontology.
And researchers from the University of Leicester have extended the study further by comparing Easter egg shapes to those of birds' and dino eggs.
The authors of the Pyrenees research, Nieves Lopez-Martinez of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and Enric Vicens of the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona, compared the shape of the fossil eggs with various dinosaur and modern bird eggs:
"We found that different species have different shaped eggs, and that the eggs of dinosaurs are not the same shape as the eggs of birds," said Enric Vicens.
In the scientific analysis, a mathematical formula was used to determine and describe all possible egg shapes, and real eggs were then plotted into this "egg morphospace"; in simple terms, as Vicens points out "dinosaur eggs tend to be more elongate and less rounded than birds eggs.
"Dinosaur eggs also tend to be more symmetrical with less distinction between the blunt and the more pointed end," Vicens added.
A small additional project carried out at the University of Leicester in the UK reveals that Easter egg shape varies considerably more than would be expected if they all came from the same parent species.
Professor Mark Purnell of the University of Leicester Department of Geology, and a council member of the Palaeontological Association, publishers of the research on the Spanish fossil eggs study, said: "Where do Easter eggs come from? At face value this is a simple question, but any parent trying to provide an answer this Easter might struggle to come up with a satisfactory response. According to many, the eggs are delivered by the Easter Bunny, but that doesn't really address the question; where does the Easter Bunny get them from? A quick search of the Internet reveals a confusing range of rumour and speculation – could the Easter Bunny really be a hare? Are Easter eggs from hare's nests (and are these really plover nests?) Or are the eggs just symbols of pagan gods?
The colored image shows the structure of the new dinosaur egg shell, photographed using polarized light. The shell is about a quarter millimeter thick.OTTO KALIN AND THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION"Many of the smaller eggs to be found commonly on the UK High Street are very similar in shape to hen's eggs, providing strong clues to their original source. Others are more similar in shape to Condor eggs.
"Perhaps more surprisingly a few eggs are closer in shape to those of dinosaurs, with one in particular being the same shape as the 70 million year old dinosaur egg, Sankofa pyrenaica, described by the Spanish team".
According to Professor Darla Zelenitsky of the University of Calgary, an expert on dinosaurs and their eggs who was not involved in either study "It is really exciting to find these additional links between extinct dinosaurs and living birds - birds are living dinosaurs so it makes perfect sense that their eggs share such similarities." She goes on to note that "Palaeontologists have long suggested that small early mammals might have raided the nests of dinosaurs. Generally, the idea is that they stole the eggs for food, but if the evidence of this Easter egg research is reliable, perhaps early mammals had more playful and colourful motives."
The palaeontological research of Lopez-Martinez and Vicens resulted in a handy diagram showing the range of egg shapes in birds and their dinosaur ancestors. So to answer the question of where your Easter eggs come from, simply compare the shape of your eggs to those in the diagram. (Diagram available from pressoffice@le.ac.uk or via Mark Purnell at map2@le.ac.uk)

вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.


For approximately $50 a month, the Mayo Clinic is offering unlimited access to the famed hospital's nurses through a smartphone app. The Mayo Clinic partnered with Better, a California-based health technology startup, to launch the new subscription-based app. The app is not covered by insurance but offers real-time, 24/7 health care assistance. Think of it as a mobile WebMD--on steroids.

Along with real-time video chats with Mayo Clinic nurses, the new service also includes personally-tailored health information culled from Mayo Clinic databases, a “symptom checker” that incorporate's individual user's health histories, and access to a personal medical concierge who can provide more information or schedule patients' doctor appointments. The app costs $49.95 a month per household and is compliant with federal health privacy regulations.
"Our culture of learning, innovation, and the desire to find answers has allowed Mayo to remain at the forefront of health and wellness, and we want to extend this expertise to people anywhere," said Paul Limburg of Mayo Clinic Global Business Solutions in a press release. "People consistently tell us they want more convenient access to Mayo Clinic knowledge. We collaborated with and invested in Better to create a powerful way for people to connect with Mayo Clinic in their homes and communities, wherever they are."
Concierge medicine could also be a potential new revenue stream for the Mayo Clinic. Fast Company has previously covered New York-based medical concierge service Sherpaa and Oscar, a new health insurer which tailors its products for web and mobile use. Because apps and subscription services are largely outside of the scope of FDA regulations, they are a potential moneymaker for health-minded businesses and entrepreneurs, as the cost of releasing a health-related personal concierge or smartphone application is far less than a comparable standalone product, which requires far greater fees for the FDA process.
Better App, Available on iOS
Better founder Geoffrey Clapp was previously an executive at telemedicine pioneerHealth Hero Network; his new company was launched with $5 million from venture capital fund The Social + Capital Partnership and the Mayo Clinic itself. The Mayo Clinic's Global Business Solutions wing has been actively building partnerships with everything from benefits providers to a variety of software developers.
The Mayo Clinic is entering a crowded market of smartphone-based concierge medicine firms. Beyond Sherpaa, there's also Grand RoundsStat DoctorsDoctor on Demand, and even a free app for Canadians, Medeo, which offers subsidized concierge medicine services via smartphones for residents of British Columbia.
For Better, the Mayo Clinic, and other concierge medicine providers, the real (and unanswered) question is just how much of a market for their services really exists via smartphone apps.

четверг, 3 апреля 2014 г.

Quality Water Sources

“It is estimated that in 99 percent of the US population, their fatty tissue contains one or more of the toxic chemicals found in water.” – Dr. Ronald Klatz, MD, Pres. American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine
In a previous article I mention how water can play an important role in the prevention of cancer. This article delves a little deeper into the types of water or better yet the best filtration systems in delivering quality water / hydration.
First, let’s revisit the purpose of water in our diet. Of course we all know we cannot live without it. Water is so important; that it’s presence on another planet is the single most exciting clue to the existence of life. The average adult contains 40-50 quarts / 10-13 gallons of water! Blood is 83% water, muscle 75%, brain 75%, heart 75%, bones 22%, lungs 86%, kidney 83%, and eyes 95%. [2]
All cells contain some form of nutrient fluid composed of water. These cells are floating in a sea of saline water. The extracellular (saline) fluid carries electric charges that enable the cells to communicate with each other. It transports nutrients, deliver oxygen, and removes toxic waste. They regulate temperature and prevent sticking. On a larger scale this extracellular fluid acts as a lubricant and even a cushion for joints and bones. It acts as a shock absorber for organs and glands. It quenches free radicals by binding to them and is crucial to the body’s overall capacity to repair, restore, and heal. [1]
Problems with our drinking water
Today, due to our water municipalities and use of chemicals such as chlorine, we’re rarely concerned about bacteria and parasite contamination. The use of chlorine which comes with its own set of problems (produces harmful THMs) is in part responsible for making our water safer from a biological standpoint. Trihalomethanes (THMs) a known carcinogen, are formed as a by-product predominately when chlorine is used to disinfect water for drinking. Bacteria and parasites are still an issue but much less as compared to 100 years ago. However, bacteria represent only a fraction of our modern day hazards present in our water supply.  You see our current aging water municipalities are unable to filter out all the new ever expanding chemicals entering our environment. There are more than 75,000 chemical compounds in our water with more being added daily. They come from industry, agriculture, and consumers/homes. Small doses of them in drinking water are ingested every day and no one knows what their long term effects will be. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nearly one million people get sick from drinking contaminated water each year with about 1,000 of those cases ending in fatalities.
Toxic Threats in our Water:
Unfortunately, our water is subject to nearly every kind of pollutant in our society. As if contamination from gasoline, parasites, chlorine, fluoride, and aging pipes were not enough, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, lead, asbestos, nitrates, and even radioactive waste all have an impact on our water.[1]
Water testing has shown a high level of Prozac, Ritalin, and antibiotics in our drinking water. Because people had dumped their excess prescription drugs into those body of water or had flushed them directly or through bodily waste into sewer and septic systems, where chemicals then leeched into groundwater.[3] Municipal sewage treatment plants are not engineered to remove Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) pollutants from the nations water supply. When a United States Geological Survey report was issued in 2004 documenting how prescription drugs, steroids, antibiotics, pesticides, and other synthetic chemicals are being found at alarming levels everywhere during stream and groundwater testing, federal and state environment officials made this revealing admission: Our nation’s waste water treatment plants are simply too unsophisticated to remove synthetic chemicals before water is recycled back into the environment. Nor can our municipal water treatment plants, despite the use of chlorine, neutralize all of these synthetic chemicals before we drink the tap water or bathe ourselves in it. Not only that, but most of the nation’s soft drinks and beers are made with municipal tap water, which means we are slowly and cumulatively drugging ourselves in multiple ways. [4]
Which Water is Right for You?
Some choices have been made for us such as the chlorination and fluoridation of our water supplies. However, we have options based on the level of purity, convenience, and cost. Some alternatives to tap water include:
  • Bottled Water
  • Charcoal / Carbon Filtered Water
  • Distiller Water
  • Ozone & Ultraviolet Treated Water
  • Reverse Osmosis Water
Let’s take a look at some ways you can provide yourself and your family with safe and healthy water.
Bottled water comes from municipal water sources, underground springs, or artesian wells. Natural spring, especially mineral water is best known for their healing properties. Mineral water’s healing properties are associated with their high content of dissolved solids such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, silica, and bicarbonates. Some spring water is subject to ultraviolet light and a one micron filtration process to screen out giardiasis and cryptosporidium. According to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), there is a one in four chance that your bottled water has been drawn from municipal taps. America’s best selling bottled water is Aquafina, which is treated tap water packaged by Pepsi. Typically the water is treated with ozone, de-ionization, carbon and micron filtration, and ultraviolet light to improve quality and maintain a level of safety.
Even though the FDA has regulations which require bottled water to be processed, packaged, transported, and stored under safe and sanitary conditions; problems do arise. In 1998, the National Resource Defense Council completed a 4 year test of 103 bottled waters and found that 1/3 of them had bacteria and other chemicals exceeding industry standards. My main issue with bottled water in plastic bottles is the imparting of plastic taste. This means that some of the plastic is leaching into the product. PET / PETE a clear strong plastic is considered the most inert (not imparting taste or color). Look for a triangle under the bottle with either the number 1(PET) or 7 (polycarbonate). The quality of plastic is important.
Some Criteria for Choosing Quality Bottled Water
  • Choose water that has a stable assay statistics over years.
  • Buy water in glass, polycarbonate, or PET bottles.
  • Know the difference between spring, mineral, and purified waters.
Pros & Cons of Charcoal Filtration
Activated charcoal is one of the best methods for extracting toxic gases, odors, and taste. Has the ability to extract all organic, hydrocarbon based pollutants such as pesticides, chlorine, THMs, and PCBs. Charcoal filtration is the most economical filtration method, which is why it is the most widely used personal filtration system.
A disadvantage is its propensity to provide a breeding ground for bacteria, and therefore the filter must be replaced regularly. This method does not remove inorganic mineral salts such as sodium, fluoride, and nitrates.
Criteria for Purchasing a Charcoal Filter
  • Large amounts of densely packed charcoal
  • Long filter life, preferably 400 – 1000 gallons
  • Pre- filter to extend filter’s life
  • Maximum contact time & reasonable flow rate
  • A counter top unit that connects directly to faucet or under the sink to save space

Ultraviolet Light
Ultraviolet light purifies the water of microbes by emitting germicidal UV rays. These devices have the same dilemma of contact time and effectiveness as charcoal filtration. The longer the exposure to radiation, the more effective.
Ozone is naturally formed when the oxygen molecule is agitated and split. Most people are familiar with ozone in our upper atmosphere. This molecule is a powerful germicide used to purify water of microbes.  It removes odors, off taste, and colors. Also oxidizes THMs, chlorine, and pesticides.
Pros & Cons of Reverse Osmosis
This method is a mechanical process by which water diffuses through a semipermeable membrane that restricts the passage of certain contaminants.
Reverse osmosis removes most pollutants including particulates, lead, mercury, radium, and uranium. It also removes off taste, odor, and colors.
However it cannot remove toxic gases, chloroform, THMs, phenol, microbes, some pesticides, and organic compounds with low molecular weight.
Typically, the unit must be installed by a plumber and requires a pre & post carbon filter. Also membrane replacement is costly.
Pros & Cons of Home Distiller
Distillation is the process of boiling water into steam and then condensing back to liquid water. This process produces the purest form of water. Distillation removes all:
  • Bacteria and viruses
  • Soluble inorganic salts such as fluoride, sodium, nitrates
  • Organic chemicals like pesticides, PCBs, THMs
  • Radionuclide’s
  • Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium
  • Soluble minerals such as calcium phosphorous, and magnesium
Ultimately, the water has no minerals, taste, odors, or colors after it undergoes the distillation process. The main disadvantages of such a system is the long time needed to complete the distillation process, amount of electricity used (cost), and the removal of beneficial minerals.

Criteria for Purchasing a Home Distiller
So when purchasing, consider the price and the rate (speed) of distillation.
One last point about distilled water. Avoid purchasing distilled water in plastic bottles due to its nature to leach potentially toxic compounds out of the plastic.

[1] Water the Ultimate Cure by Steve Meyerowitz and Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD, p13
[2] For Lifelong Gains, Just Add Water. Repeat. Brody, Jane E. New York Times, July 11, 2000.
[3] The Hundred Year Lie, Randall Fitzgerald, A Plume Book, July 2007′ p4
[4] The Hundred Year Lie, Randall Fitzgerald, A Plume Book, July 2007′ p117
by  on March 31, 2014

среда, 2 апреля 2014 г.

Don’t believe the hype – 10 persistent cancer myths debunked

Google ‘cancer’ and you’ll be faced with millions of web pages. And the number of YouTube videos you find if you look up ‘cancer cure’ is similarly vast.
The problem is that much of the information out there is at best inaccurate, or at worst dangerously misleading. There are plenty of evidence-based, easy to understand pages about cancer, but there are just as many, if not more, pages spreading myths.
And it can be hard to distinguish fact from fiction, as much of the inaccurate information looks and sounds perfectly plausible. But if you scratch the surface and look at the evidence, many continually perpetuated ‘truths’ become unstuck.
In this post, we want to set the record straight on 10 cancer myths we regularly encounter. Driven by the evidence, not by rhetoric or anecdote, we describe what the reality of research actually shows to be true.

Myth 1: Cancer is a man-made, modern disease

Cancer is as old as we are
It might be more prominent in the public consciousness now than in times gone by, but cancer isn’t just a ‘modern’, man-made disease of Western society. Cancer has existed as long as humans have. It was described thousands of years ago by Egyptian and Greek physicians, and researchers have discovered tell-tale signs of cancer in a 3,000-year-old skeleton.
While it’s certainly true that global lifestyle-related diseases like cancer are on the risethe biggest risk factor for cancer is age.
The simple fact is that more people are living long enough to develop cancer because of our success in tackling infectious diseases and other historical causes of death such as malnutrition. It’s perfectly normal for DNA damage in our cells to build up as we age, and such damage can lead to cancer developing.
We’re also now able to diagnose cancers more accurately, thanks to advances in screening, imaging and pathology.
Yes, lifestylediet and other things like air pollution collectively have a huge impact on our risk of cancer – smoking for instance is behind a quarter of all cancer deaths in the UK – but that’s not the same as saying it’s entirely a modern, man-made disease. There are plenty of natural causes of cancer – for example, one in six worldwide cancers is caused by viruses and bacteria.

Myth 2: Superfoods prevent cancer

Blueberries, beetroot, broccoli, garlic, green tea… the list goes on. Despite thousands of websites claiming otherwise, there’s no such thing as a ‘superfood’. It’s a marketing term used to sell products and has no scientific basis.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t think about what you eat. Some foods are clearly healthier than others. The odd blueberry or mug of green tea certainly could be part of a healthy, balanced diet. Stocking up on fruits and veg is a great idea, and eating a range of different veg is helpful too, but the specific vegetables you choose doesn’t really matter.
Our bodies are complex and cancer is too, so it’s gross oversimplification to say that any one food, on its own, could have a major influence over your chance of developing cancer.
We’ve also written extensively on the scientific evidence about anti-oxidants and cancer in these posts – part one,  part two and part three[Added 28/03/14 KA]
The steady accumulation of evidence over several decades points to a simple, but not very newsworthy fact that the best way to reduce your risk of cancer is by a series of long-term healthy behaviours such as not smoking, keeping active, keeping a healthy body weight and cutting back on alcohol.

Myth 3: ‘Acidic’ diets cause cancer

Body pH is tightly controlled, diet can’t change it
Some myths about cancer are surprisingly persistent, despite flying in the face of basic biology. One such idea is that overly ‘acidic’ diets cause your blood to become ‘too acidic’, which can increase your risk of cancer. Their proposed answer: increase your intake of healthier ‘alkaline’ foods like green vegetables and fruits (including, paradoxically, lemons).
This is biological nonsense. True, cancer cells can’t live in an overly alkaline environment, but neither can any of the other cells in your body.
Blood is usually slightly alkaline. This is tightly regulated by the kidneys within a very narrow and perfectly healthy range. It can’t be changed for any meaningful amount of time by what you eat. And while eating green veg is certainly healthy, that’s not because of any effect on how acid or alkaline your body is.
There is something called acidosis. This is a physiological condition that happens when your kidneys and lungs can’t keep your body’s pH (a measure of acidity) in balance. It is often the result of serious illness or poisoning. It can be life-threatening and needs urgent medical attention, but it’s not down to overly acidic diets.
We know that the immediate environment around cancer cells (the microenvironment) can become acidic. This is due to differences in the way that tumours create energy and use oxygen compared with healthy tissue. Researchers are working hard to understand how this happens, in order to develop more effective cancer treatments.
But there’s no good evidence to prove that diet can manipulate whole body pH, or that it has an impact on cancer.

Myth 4: Cancer has a sweet tooth

All cells use 'sugar', not just cancer cells
Another idea we see a lot is that sugar apparently ‘feeds cancer cells’, suggesting that it should be completely banished from a patient’s diet.
This is an unhelpful oversimplification of a highly complex area that we’re only just starting to understand.
‘Sugar’ is a catch-all term. It refers to a range of molecules including simple sugars found in plants, glucose and fructose. The white stuff in the bowl on your table is called sucrose and is made from glucose and fructose stuck together. All sugars are carbohydrates, commonly known as carbs – molecules made from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Carbs – whether from cake or a carrot – get broken down in our digestive system to release glucose and fructose. These get absorbed into the bloodstream to provide energy for us to live.
All our cells, cancerous or not, use glucose for energy. Because cancer cells are usually growing very fast compared with healthy cells, they have a particularly high demand for this fuel. There’s also evidence that they use glucose and produce energy in a different way from healthy cells.
Researchers are working to understand the differences in energy usage in cancers compared with healthy cells, and trying to exploit them to develop better treatments (including the interesting but far from proven drug DCA).
But all this doesn’t mean that sugar from cakes, sweets and other sugary foods specifically feeds cancer cells, as opposed to any other type of carbohydrate. Our body doesn’t pick and choose which cells get what fuel. It converts pretty much all the carbs we eat to glucose, fructose and other simple sugars, and they get taken up by tissues when they need energy.
While it’s very sensible to limit sugary foods as part of an overall healthy diet and to avoid putting on weight, that’s a far cry from saying that sugary foods specifically feed cancer cells.
Both the ‘acidic diet’ and ‘sugar feeds cancer’ myths distort sensible dietary advice – of course,nobody is saying that eating a healthy diet doesn’t matter when it comes to cancer. You can read about the scientific evidence on diet and cancer on our website.
But dietary advice must be based on nutritional and scientific fact. When it comes to offering diet tips to reduce cancer risk, research shows that the same boring healthy eating advice still holds true. Fruit, vegetables, fibre, white meat and fish are good. Too much fat, salt, sugar, red or processed meat and alcohol are less so.
Also, this post, “What should you eat while you’re being treated for cancer“, is packed with links to evidence-based advice from our CancerHelp UK website.
[Edited to add more information and links KA 28/03/14]

Myth 5: Cancer is a fungus – and sodium bicarbonate is the cure

Ask any pathologist - cancer cells aren’t fungal
This ‘theory’ comes from the not-very-observant observation that “cancer is always white”.
One obvious problem with this idea – apart from the fact that cancer cells are clearly not fungal in origin – is that cancer isn’t always white. Some tumours are. But some aren’t. Ask any pathologist or cancer surgeon, or have a look on Google Image search (but maybe not after lunch…).
Proponents of this theory say that cancer is caused by infection by the fungus candida, and that tumours are actually the body’s attempt at protecting itself from this infection.
But there’s no evidence to show that this is true.
Furthermore, plenty of perfectly healthy people can be infected with candida – it’s part of the very normal array of microbes that live in (and on) all of us. Usually our immune system keeps candida in check, but infections can get more serious in people with compromised immune systems, such as those who are HIV-positive.
The ‘simple solution’ is apparently to inject tumours with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). This isn’t even the treatment used to treat proven fungal infections, let alone cancer. On the contrary,there’s good evidence that high doses of sodium bicarbonate can lead to serious – even fatal – consequences.
Some studies suggest that sodium bicarbonate can affect cancers transplanted into mice or cells grown in the lab, by neutralising the acidity in the microenvironment immediately around a tumour. And researchers in the US are running a small clinical trial investigating whether sodium bicarbonate capsules can help to reduce cancer pain and to find the maximum dose that can be tolerated, rather than testing whether it has any effect on tumours.
As far as we are aware, there have been no published clinical trials of sodium bicarbonate as a treatment for cancer.
It’s also worth pointing out that it’s not clear whether it’s possible to give doses of sodium bicarbonate that can achieve any kind of meaningful effect on cancer in humans, although it’s something that researchers are investigating.
Because the body strongly resists attempts to change its pH, usually by getting rid of bicarbonate through the kidneys, there’s a risk that doses large enough to significantly affect the pH around a tumour might cause a serious condition known as alkalosis.

One estimate suggests that a dose of around 12 grams of baking soda per day (based on a 65 kg adult) would only be able to counteract the acid produced by a tumour roughly one cubic millimetre in size. But doses of more than about 30 grams per day are likely to cause severe health problems – you do the maths.

Myth 6: There’s a miracle cancer cure…

Online claims aren’t scientific evidence
From cannabis to coffee enemas, the internet is awash with videos and personal anecdotes about ‘natural’ ‘miracle’ cures for cancer.
But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence – YouTube videos and Facebook posts are emphatically not scientific evidence and aren’t the same as good-quality, peer-reviewed evidence.
In many cases it’s impossible to tell whether patients featured in such anecdotal sources have been ‘cured’ by any particular alternative treatment or not. We know nothing about their medical diagnosis, stage of disease or outlook, or even if they actually had cancer in the first place. For instance, we don’t know what other cancer treatments they had.
And we only hear about the success stories – what about the people who have tried it and have not survived? The dead can’t speak, and often people who make bold claims for ‘miracle’ cures only pick their best cases, without presenting the full picture.
This highlights the importance of publishing data from peer-reviewed, scientifically rigorous lab research and clinical trials. Firstly, because conducting proper clinical studies enables researchers to prove that a prospective cancer treatment is safe and effective. And secondly, because publishing these data allows doctors around the world to judge for themselves and use it for the benefit of their patients.
This is the standard to which all cancer treatments should be held.
That’s not to say the natural world isn’t a source of potential treatments, from aspirin (willow bark) to penicillin (mould). For example, the cancer drug taxol was first extracted from the bark and needles of the Pacific Yew tree.
But that’s a far cry from saying you should chew bark to combat a tumour. It’s an effective treatment because the active ingredient has been purified and tested in clinical trials. So we know that it’s safe and effective, and what dose to prescribe.
Of course people with cancer want to beat their disease by any means possible. And it’s completely understandable to be searching high and low for potential cures. But our advice is to be wary of anything labelled a ‘miracle cure’, especially if people are trying to sell it to you.
Wikipedia has this excellent list of ineffective cancer treatments that are often touted as miracle cures, which is worth a browse.
If you want to know about the scientific evidence about cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer– a topic we’re often asked about – please take a look at our extensive blog post on the subject, including information about the clinical trials we’re helping to fund.
And if you’ve seen links to article about scientists in Canada “curing cancer but nobody notices”, these refer to an interesting but currently unproven drug called DCA, which we’ve also written about before.  [Added KA 28/03/14]

Myth 7: … and Big Pharma are suppressing it

Conspiracy theories don’t add up
Hand in hand with the idea that there is a cornucopia of ‘miracle cures’ is the idea that governments, the pharmaceutical industry and even charities are colluding to hide the cure for cancer because they make so much money out of existing treatments.
Whatever the particular ‘cure’ being touted, the logic is usually the same: it’s readily available, cheap and can’t be patented, so the medical establishment is suppressing it in order to line its own pockets. But, as we’ve written before, there’s no conspiracy – sometimes it just doesn’t work.
There’s no doubt that the pharmaceutical industry has a number of issues with transparency and clinical trials that it needs to address (the book Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre is a handy primer). We push regulators and pharmaceutical companies hard to make sure that effective drugs are made available at a fair price to the NHS – although it’s important to remember that developing and trialling new drugs costs a lot of money, which companies need to recoup.
Problems with conventional medicine don’t automatically prove that alternative ‘cures’ work. To use a metaphor, just because cars sometimes crash doesn’t mean that flying carpets are a viable transport option.
It simply doesn’t make sense that pharmaceutical companies would want to suppress a potential cure. Finding a highly effective therapy would guarantee huge worldwide sales.
And the argument that treatments can’t be patented doesn’t hold up. Pharma companies are not stupid, and they are quick to jump on promising avenues for effective therapies. There are always ways to repackage and patent molecules, which would give them a return on the investment required to develop and test them in clinical trials (a cost that can run into many millions) if the treatment turns out to work.
It’s also worth pointing out that charities such as Cancer Research UK and government-funded scientists are free to investigate promising treatments without a profit motive. And it’s hard to understand why NHS doctors – who often prescribe generic, off-patent drugs – wouldn’t use cheap treatments if they’d been shown to be effective in clinical trials.
For example, we’re funding large-scale trials of aspirin – a drug first made in 1897, and now one of the most widely-used off-patent drugs in the world. We’re researching whether it can prevent bowel cancer in people at high riskreduce the side effects of chemotherapy, and even prevent cancer coming back and improve survival.
Finally, it’s worth remembering that we are all human – even politicians and Big Pharma executives – and cancer can affect anyone. People in pharmaceutical companies, governments, charities and the wider ‘medical establishment’ all can and do die of cancer too.
Here at Cancer Research UK we have seen loved ones and colleagues go through cancer. Many of them have survived. Many have not. To suggest that we are – collectively and individually – hiding ‘the cure’ is not only absurd, it’s offensive to the global community of dedicated scientists, to the staff and supporters of cancer research organisations such as Cancer Research UK and, most importantly, to cancer patients and their families.

Myth 8: Cancer treatment kills more than it cures

Treatments have helped double survival
Let’s be clear, cancer treatment – whether chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery – is no walk in the park. The side effects can be tough. After all, treatments that are designed to kill cancer cells will inevitably affect healthy cells too.
And sometimes, sadly, treatment doesn’t work. We know that it’s very difficult to treat late-stage cancer that has spread throughout the body, and while treatment can provide relief from symptoms and prolong life, it’s not going to be a cure for very advanced cancers.
Surgery is still the most effective treatment we have for cancer, provided it’s diagnosed early enough for an operation to be done. And radiotherapy helps cure more people than cancer drugs. Yet chemotherapy and other cancer drugs have a very important part to play in cancer treatment – in some cases helping to cure the disease, and in others helping to prolong survival.
The claims on the internet that chemotherapy is “only 3 per cent effective” are highly misleading and outdated, and are explored in more depth in these two posts from the Science Based Medicine blog.
We also wrote this post in response to concerns that chemotherapy might “encourage cancer”.
It important to point out that in an increasing number of cases, the drugs do work. For example, more than 96 per cent of all men are now cured of testicular cancer, compared to fewer than 70 per cent in the 1970s thanks in part to a drug we helped to develop called cisplatin. And three-quarters of children with cancer are now cured, compared with around a quarter in the late 1960s – most of them are alive today directly thanks to chemotherapy.
We know that we still have a long way to go until we have effective, kinder treatments for all types of cancer. And it’s important that doctors, patients and their families are realistic and honest about the best options for treatment, especially when cancer is very advanced.
It may be better to opt for treatment aimed at reducing pain and symptoms rather than attempting to cure the disease (palliative care). Balancing quality and quantity of life is always going to be an issue in cancer treatment, and it’s one that each patient must decide for themselves.

Myth 9: We’ve made no progress in fighting cancer

UK survival rates have doubled over 40 years
This simply isn’t true. Thanks to advances in research, long-term (10+ years) survival from cancer has doubled in the UK over the past 40 years, and death rates have fallen by 10 per cent over the past decade alone. This article by our chief clinician, Professor Peter Johnson, outlines some of the key facts.
By definition, these figures relate to people treated at least 10 years ago. It’s likely that the patients being diagnosed and treated today have an even better chance of survival.
To see how the picture has changed, make yourself a cuppa and settle down to watch this hour-long documentary we helped to make – The Enemy Within: 50 years of fighting cancer. From the early days of chemotherapy in the 50s and 60s to the latest ‘smart’ drugs and pinpoint-accurate radiotherapy, it highlights how far we’ve come over the years.
There’s still a long way to go. There are some cancers where progress has been much slower – such as lung, brain, pancreatic and oesophageal cancers. And when you lose someone you love to cancer, it can feel as though no progress has been made at all.
That’s why we’re working so hard to beat cancer sooner, to make sure that nobody loses their life prematurely to the disease.

Myth 10: Sharks don’t get cancer

Sharks do get cancer
Yes they do.
This excellent article goes into why the myth about the cancer-free shark has been so persistent.