вторник, 4 июня 2024 г.

Technological breakthrow - 4


Canadians have invented a material that can make some things almost invisible

Hyperstealth Biotechnology from Canada has developed and patented a thin material that provides “quantum invisibility.”

Rays of light entering microscopic lenses are scattered and everything that is at a certain distance behind the plastic-like material becomes invisible. No power supplies are required.

The developers assume that in the future, designs of such material will be used by soldiers and police.

Smartphones of the future may become transparent

Mobile phone manufacturers are working hard to improve their devices. One of the tasks is to make them completely transparent.

Looks impressive. But so far this is at the level of prototypes, and not models for mass production. Because we need to figure out how to make not only the body invisible, but also the “filling” with the battery.

In addition, a transparent phone will not only show you the world around you, but will also demonstrate to everyone what you are currently watching, writing or reading.

What do you think of this concept?

A combination of technology and craftsmanship

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