пятница, 30 августа 2024 г.

Топ 5 фраз- енергопаразитів, які токсичні і руйнують ваше життя


1. «Немає часу» – Ця фраза створює відчуття постійного дефіциту часу і руйнує ваше благополуччя. Говорячи цю фразу людина програмує своє майбутнє на повну відсутність власного часу. Точніше, на те, що він не належить їй. І, як наслідок, постійна відсутність часу для себе, користь лише іншим людям. Фраза «немає часу»- прискорює в 1000 разів всі процеси старіння у вашому організмі. І, як наслідок передчасне старіння, постійні хвороби, які, як правило людина списує на дефіцит відпочинку. Не допускайте, щоб відсутність часу стала вашою реальністю; знайдіть спосіб організувати своє життя так, щоб мати час для себе.

2. «Нічого собі» – Висловлюючи здивування таким чином, ви відправляєте негативний сигнал всесвіту. Таким чином ви відміняєте все, що хотіли, бажали, прагнули, мріяли. Вибирайте слова і фрази, які підтримують ваші мрії та бажання.

3. «Немає грошей», «Мені не вистачає…», «Для мене це дорого….», «Це не про мене…», «Не жили багато і не потрібно починати.». Самі шкідливі фрази, але найбільш використані по всьому світу. Сенс і програмування цих фраз- вони програмують вас на відсутність коштів. Вірите ви в це чи ні, але ці фрази працюють завжди, за замовчуванням і ведуть людину лише до одного- злидні, постійна нехватка грошей, бідність. Фрази, які фокусуються на нестачі грошей, лише посилюють фінансові труднощі. Замість цього, налаштуйтеся на позитив і говоріть про те, як ви працюєте над покращенням своєї фінансової ситуації.

4. «Я в шоці», «Я це не переварюю», «Я це не виношу», «Ви всю кров з мене випили», «Чхати я на це хотів/ла», «Це зводить мене з розуму», « Я вам повік повинен/а». Сенс цих слів- вони згубно, інколи смертельно впливають на життя людини. Намагайтеся реагувати на стресові ситуації конструктивно, щоб зберегти внутрішній баланс і спокій.

5. Фрази і слова, які говоряться зі словом «Вічно». «Вічно, у мене нічого не виходить.», «Вічно, у тебе все так.», «Вічно, у мене все валиться з рук.», «Вічно, мені не вистачає грошей.», «Вічно вони мені морочать голову.», «Вічно, вони мене достають та принижують, знущаються наді мною.», «Вічно, у мене не виходить.» Продовжувати можна довго. Одне слово- «вічно» активує негативні сценарії у вашому житті. Замість того, щоб використовувати «вічно» у негативному контексті, намагайтеся акцентувати і використовувати в позитиві: «вічно мені щастить», «вічно у мене все добре», «вічно у мене все вдається». 

Пам'ятайте, що слова мають силу формувати вашу реальність. Думайте і вибирайте їх мудро, адже вони створюють ваше майбутнє!


пятница, 23 августа 2024 г.

The Generation Gap


Source: The Generation Gap

The Generation Gap infographic by Steve Perry highlights the birth years of different generations. The stats from 2022 led him to develop a few fun facts of the differences between the generations.

Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest generation in the United States, with an estimated population of over 72 million. While Millennials and Gen Z face challenges in building wealth, with factors such as student loan debt and rising home prices, Baby Boomers tend to have the highest wealth accumulation, with only 20% of the population they have 52% of the wealth in the country, benefiting from longer periods of economic growth and home ownership. Older generations have traditionally had higher voter turnout rates compared to younger generations. Millennials and Generation X are becoming increasingly politically engaged. Older generations are also delaying retirement and staying in the workforce longer, leading to a “graying” of the labor force and potential competition for job opportunities with younger generations.

четверг, 22 августа 2024 г.

Amazing art - 12


This artist is using his imagination and shadows to create these amazing artworks. Artist- @vincent_bal

Sarah McDonald is a self-taught artist based in Squamish, British Columbia, where she draws inspiration from the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains. Her artwork is characterized by the use of heavy textures and vibrant colors, creating pieces that evoke the depth and richness of her outdoor experiences. Through a combination of airbrushing and traditional painting techniques, Sarah's work often brings to life the dynamic landscapes and memories of mountain living.


Incredible Write 'tree' in another language

вторник, 20 августа 2024 г.

So—was Michelangelo in love with a man?


Letters he exchanged with the handsome young nobleman Tommaso dei Cavalieri certainly suggest the possibility.

 His letters were often accompanied by small, intimate drawings, like this one called ‘The Fall of Phaeton’. The tale warns of the dangers of hubris and succumbing to lust.

 It's important to remember that Michelangelo and his contemporaries didn’t have the same categories of sexuality that we understand today: people were more likely to be judged by their sexual acts rather than their emotional connections.

 In Renaissance Florence, religious doctrine threatened those who practised same-sex relationships with an eternity in hell. Michelangelo was a deeply pious man, who would have been unlikely to jeopardise the worthiness of his soul.

 None of this means that Michelangelo did not love Tommaso – it seems likely that he did, and that it was a unique and overwhelming experience for him. In Michelangelo’s first surviving letter, he says he waded out into the stream of Tommaso’s virtues only to discover it was a vast ocean with towering waves.

 Despite this, there is no evidence to suggest that the relationship ever became physical.

What emerges from their correspondence is instead a tender portrait of a deeply intimate bond, full of mutual love and admiration. While Tommaso would later marry their relationship would last the rest of Michelangelo's life, with Tommaso being present at his deathbed ❤️

У 2022 році в Данії на монеті з Вінделівського скарбу знайшли найдавніший напис, присвячений Одіну


1600 років тому хтось закопав золотий скарб. Тепер на монеті з цього скарбу знайшли найдавніший напис, присвячений Одіну.
Щоправда, її поки що не змогли до кінця розшифрувати. У 2022 році в Данії виявили Вінделівський скарб, один із найбільших і найбагатших золотом. Цілий кілограм золота, безліч тонких медальйонів розміром із невелике блюдце дісталися археологам — справжній скарб у всіх сенсах!

Серед виробів був золотий брактеат — тонка золота монета, на якій зображено, як свідчить рунічний підпис, Один. Але це не найголовніше. Брактеат датується IV століттям нашої ери майже на 150 років раніше, ніж інші відомі написи такого роду. Раніше найстаріший відомий напис зі згадкою Одіна був на пряжці з Нордендорфа (Німеччина), датованої кінцем VI століття. У Данії до цього моменту найдавніший подібний напис був на амулеті VII століття, знайденому в Рибі. А значить, ми сміливо можемо відсувати час шанування цього божества у більш далеке минуле.
Щоправда, тут починаються складнощі. Фахівцям із Національного музею Данії монета підкинула нові слова, які раніше не траплялися у таких текстах. Крім того, більшість рун стерта з тонкого металу, а прогалини між словами тоді ще не ставили. Хороші новини для дослідників у тому, що це один із найдовших написів на монетах такого типу. Усього знайдено близько 1000 брактеатів, приблизно на 200 є написи, але, як правило, вони надто короткі. Найчастіше на них наносилися короткі священні слова або цитати з популярних на той час текстів.

Рунолог Лізбет Імер, яка зайнялася вивченням написів, зуміла розшифрувати частину тексту, незважаючи на те, що, за її словами, це було найскладніше завдання за 20 років її роботи. Отже, їй вдалося прочитати саме ім'я Одіна, а також фразу «він людина Одіна», що відноситься до якогось Яги або Ягаза. Він же зображений у центрі — а-ля римський імператор, щоправда, із довгою косою та вірним скакуном (а ще на монеті фігурує свастика). Можливо, це був давній ярл, який таким чином заявляв свої права на найвище лідерство?
Проте, знахідка як створила труднощі, а й допомогла вирішити дві історичні загадки. В 1852 біля міста Оденсе (Данія) знайшли подібний брактеат, який відтоді так і не був дешифрований. Тепер переклад можна зробити за аналогією. І це ще не все! Є ще одна така ж монета із Фюне, де слово «Один» переправлено на «коханий». Тепер усі три брактеати розглядатимуть у комплексі.
Спасибі невідомому багачеві IV століття, що закопав такий скарб! Йому ці коштовності, можливо, не принесли щастя, зате археологи в захваті від знахідки — вони не тільки виявили ім'я невідомого правителя, а й змогли глибше поринути в епоху, коли ще існувала праскандинавська мова.


Итак, был ли Микеланджело влюблен в мужчину?


Письма, которыми он обменивался с красивым молодым дворянином Томмазо деи Кавальери, безусловно, предполагают такую ​​возможность.

Его письма часто сопровождались небольшими интимными рисунками, как этот, под названием «Падение Фаэтона». Сказка предупреждает об опасности высокомерия и похоти.

Важно помнить, что у Микеланджело и его современников не было тех категорий сексуальности, которые мы понимаем сегодня: о людях чаще судили по их сексуальным действиям, а не по их эмоциональным связям.

Во Флоренции эпохи Возрождения религиозные доктрины угрожали тем, кто практиковал однополые отношения, вечным адом. Микеланджело был глубоко набожным человеком, который вряд ли стал бы подвергать опасности достоинство своей души.

Ничто из этого не означает, что Микеланджело не любил Томмазо – вполне вероятно, что так оно и было, и что для него это был уникальный и ошеломляющий опыт. В первом сохранившемся письме Микеланджело говорит, что вошел в поток добродетелей Томмазо только для того, чтобы обнаружить, что это огромный океан с высокими волнами.

Несмотря на это, нет никаких доказательств того, что отношения когда-либо становились физическими.

Вместо этого из их переписки получается нежный портрет глубоко интимной связи, полной взаимной любви и восхищения. Хотя позже Томмазо женился, их отношения продлились до конца жизни Микеланджело, и Томмазо присутствовал на его смертном одре ❤️

пятница, 16 августа 2024 г.

The Ultimate List of Newborn Baby Care Tips For New Moms and Dads



These ultimate baby care tips for new moms and dads are categorized into 4 major activities: feeding, playing, cleaning, and sleeping. Read more to find out how to take care of your newborn baby.

When I was a few months pregnant, I attended an antenatal class that was only a little bit helpful and more of a waste of time and money. 

I mean, yes I guess it’s important to know the parts of the breast but would you care about that when you’re sleep-deprived and you can’t figure out why you’re baby is crying?

So we hired a long-time nurse who showed me the basics of newborn care tips in 3 FREAKING DAYS.

But she had a lot of well-meaning advice that I wished I didn’t follow then and that I still regret doing until today.

Now that I know better, I’d like to share everything I know from those experiences and all I’ve researched about newborn care basics. These newborn care tips could save you time, money, and sanity. 

Let’s start with the must know basics:

General Baby Care Tips for New Moms and Dads

  • Focus on 4 major newborn care activities

For the first 3 months, during the 4th trimester, concentrate on just feeding, playing, cleaning and making your baby sleep. That’s it. That’s what you mainly have to concentrate on. 

It seems simple but trust me, when you’re holding a very fragile, tiny human being in your hands who can’t talk and who never seems to stop crying, and you’re extremely sleep-deprived plus you have a mountain of chores/work to do (if you don’t have any help), it can get pretty intense, overwhelming and most of the time, stressful.

It will help if you can establish this routine early on:

  1. drink milk
  2. play
  3. clean up (bathe, change diaper, etc.)
  4. sleep
  5. then repeat

This routine will help your baby avoid becoming dependant on milk for sleeping. Which I wish I knew back then!

Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally and just focus on these 4 major activities first for your newborn care tips.

  • Always wash your hands before holding your baby

It doesn’t matter how clean your hands look or feel. Just wash your hands properly, with soap and all, before holding your baby. 

And make everyone wash their hands first if they want to carry your newborn.

Your baby’s immune system is not as strong so whatever dirt, virus, bacteria your hands might have will easily affect them. So washing hands before holding a baby is a must.

  • Support your baby’s head and neck at all times

Newborns have very weak head and neck muscles. It’s of crucial importance to always support your newborn’s head and neck until they are strong enough to hold it on their own, which usually happens by the 6 month.

  • Never ever shake a baby

Their very fragile brain will move back and forth inside their skull which can cause swelling and bleeding. So whatever happens, don’t ever shake a baby. 

If you’re feeling frustrated or if you want to play rough and you have the urge to shake a baby, remember it just takes a few seconds for a baby to have a serious brain injury so don’t ever shake a newborn.

  • Keep a diaper bag packed at all times

It doesn’t matter if you’re going out or not, just keep it ready in case of an emergency or if you’re running late for an appointment.

If you don’t want to bring your whole house with your in the diaper bag, check out my diaper bag essentials checklist here for newborns, for a light, minimalist packing.

Check out my tips here on how to use a backpack as a diaper bag.

  • Find out why they’re crying

Usual reasons why a baby is crying is they’re hungry, they’re overtired and sleepy or they’re feeling unwell.

Sometimes they just want to stay close to you, especially during the 4th trimester. But other times, it could be serious. 

I remember seeing an article where they’re baby was crying non-stop that they had to go to the doctor.

And they finally discovered that a single strand of hair was wrapped around the baby’s toe, almost cutting off the circulation. 

So be vigilant. Make sure nothing’s wrong with them. 

Newborn Baby Feeding Tips

Basic Tips

  • Feed on demand if possible

I remember the nurse we hired gave me a very different tip for feeding my baby. Instead of feeding on demand, she would push to feed at least 90mL to my baby. 

My kid was already more than a week old then before we took her home. Long story but of course, my kid wouldn’t always finish all that milk until I learned that, this nurse used to do that technique because they had to take care of so many babies in the ward. 

They had to feed a baby a least 90mL so the baby can feel fuller longer and they’ll have more time to feed other babies.

I wished I knew then how to do responsive feeding. I thought then I was failing as a new mom because my kid wouldn’t take at least 90mL of milk.

But I do understand how downright exhausting it can be to feed on demand. Especially if you’re breastfeeding, you work full-time, you have multiple kids, etc. So I believe for those instances, you can still do a feeding schedule while still following your baby’s cue.

Everyone’s different so trust yourself and do what works best for your family.

  • Fed is best

Milk is milk, whether it’s breastmilk or formula milk. It doesn’t matter to your little one, as long as they’re getting the right proper milk. 

So if someone is pressuring you to either give them solely breastmilk or just formula milk, tell them to fuck off and mind their own business. Or just don’t listen to them at all. 

  • Record your baby’s feedings, diaper output, etc.

It’s a must to track and record the following:

  • Diaper output – wet or dirty, how much
  • Nursing – how long, how many times, which breast side 
  • Bottle feeding session – how many ounces, how many times

You can also track and record how much sleep they’re getting and for how long. 

You can also choose to track your pumping sessions: date, how long, which side, and how many ounces.

Tracking your baby’s feedings and diaper output will help you figure out how much they’re getting to gain weight.
The nurses/doctors will also ask about this during your baby check-ups. 

For bottle-feeding, tracking is also a way to get a sense of how much they usually drink so you don’t have to make too much formula milk every time.

You can choose to either download an app for recording the feedings or just write it down in a notebook. Or you can get my FREE baby daily log tracker below:

You can use some of these apps, they can also record the diaper output of your baby:
Hatch Baby
Glow Baby
Baby Tracker

I saw a tip for breastfeeding moms about using a wristband to remember which breast side they just used.

  • Look for hunger cues 

Observe your baby well and look out for their early hunger cues.

It can get difficult to feed a baby who’s showing late hunger cues so try to observe your little one as much as possible and look for those signs.

  • Check if your baby is full

I breastfed my child for only 2 months and bottle-fed her all the way but here’s how some of the ways that you can tell if your baby is full:

  • Closes their mouth when breast or bottle is offered
  • Turns away their head from food
  • Tries to push food away
  • Appears relaxed and content – hands open, body at ease
  • Starts hiccuping
  • Either sleep or alert and ready to play

Another way to tell that your baby is eating enough is when they get wet and dirty diapers regularly, are gaining weight, and sleeping well.

Or if you’re breastfeeding, you’ll feel that your breast is less full after a nursing session.

  • Always burp your baby

It doesn’t matter if you’re bottle-feeding or breastfeeding them, just make sure to always burp your baby after every feeding.

This is to prevent them from spitting up. It also lessens their fussiness after feeding and helps alleviate reflux, gas issues as well.

Here are some techniques on how to burp your baby:

  • Get ready for your baby to spit up/ vomit

Babies vomit because they have reflux or they haven’t been burped properly or they drank too much milk. So don’t panic if your baby does this sometimes.

Try to keep them upright for at least 20-30 minutes after every feeding. This will help with their reflux issues and might prevent them from spitting up or doing projectile vomiting. You can use a baby swing or a baby carrier to keep them upright.

But if your baby vomits violently more often, then that’s the time to worry and to go see a doctor.

  • Keep your baby awake during feedings

It’s helpful to establish an Eat-Play-Sleep-routine early on so your baby won’t associate sleeping with feeding.

Trust me, you don’t want your kid dependent on their bottle or on your breast to be able to sleep. I learned that the hard way.

It might make bottle weaning your toddler pretty challenging in the future, so if you can, try to avoid using nursing or a milk bottle as a way for your baby to fall asleep.

So if you see them getting sleepy while feeding, keep them awake by stroking their cheeks with your fingers, playing with their fingers, etc.

  • Don’t engage during nighttime feedings

Avoid talking, singing or any activity that will get your baby riled up when feeding them at night. 
Just keep everything lowkey – let your baby sleep in a dark room with blackout curtains if possible, movements slow, voices down.

  • Create a feeding/ pumping nest

It takes a while for my baby to feed and I remember always having my breastfeeding pillow, along with my phone and water in either the living room or bed whenever it’s feeding time.

I also have the same items when I pump milk. Having a comfortable spot for feeding or a breast pumping station makes it a more enjoyable bonding experience with your kid.

Remember to also pee first before feeding your child. There were so many times where I had to hold it in for 30 minutes or so, because I didn’t want to disturb my baby’s feeding.

  • Exposing your breast would become a norm

Yes, you will come to a point where you’re freaking tired that you don’t give a damn anymore.

Sometimes, you’d be pumping milk in the living room without a cover (wish I thought of buying this nursing cover but oh well) then you’ll have someone who lives in the same house but is not your husband, walking in. 

You’ll feel slightly embarrassed but then again, you’re so exhausted that you don’t want to stand up and stop what you’re doing so you don’t care anymore, and eventually, exposing your breast becomes a norm. Especially if you’re breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Tips

  • Ask a lactation consultant

Hospitals will usually offer classes on how to take care of your baby and will also include the services of a lactation consultant.

Ask your doctor or nurse if you can attend the classes or if you can have a consultant come visit you in your room to get some advice on latching, what to and not to eat, how to deal with mastitis, etc.

There are also a lot of lactation consultants that you can look up online, such as The Mama ‘HoodThe Mama NurseOver The Moon PaentingNAPS, etc.

  • Breastfeed right after delivering your baby

If it’s possible and there are no medical emergencies, try to breastfeed your baby an hour after delivery. 

This releases hormones that bonds you with your child plus it also helps the uterus to contract and stop bleeding.

I wished I had this opportunity as they had to immediately do an operation on me since I a huge wound at my back just appeared out of nowhere, which was weird, but I digress.

  • Squeeze out your colostrum

I wasn’t able to breastfeed my baby immediately because apparently, my back was ripping apart and they only found out when my doctor opened me up for CS operation. 

But when I could already at least sit up, a day or two after the surgery, I immediately tried to squeeze the colostrum – the first milk that’s packed with nutrients and placed it in a small cup for my baby to drink.

So many memories are now flooding in..but I digress.

Anyway, colostrum has lots of vitamins, minerals and has a lot of immunity-boosting properties so try to give that to your baby the soonest time possible if you can’t breastfeed them immediately.

  • Prepare for cluster feedings

I haven’t experienced this but I heard how extremely challenging this can be. 

Cluster feeding is when your baby feeds more than the usual and does it in close intervals. 

Which I’ve heard, will make you insane, from the lack of sleep/ alone time and just sheer exhaustion of soothing a crying baby.

You are basically nursing them around the clock with little to no rest in between. 

If you don’t do it, you might risk having a low milk supply, engorged breast, and/ or have a fussier than usual baby.

Cluster feeding is apparently normal but just mentally prepare for it, if you plan to do breastfeeding.

  • Nurse every 2 hours 

If you have someone to help you out with the baby or if you’re determined to breastfeed, this is a great way to establish your milk supply.

I tried to do this as advised by my friend (she has 3 kids, all breastfed!) but I don’t know if it’s my CS and back operation, PPD or I just don’t have enough willpower but I just can’t. 

I felt bad for my baby because I know the advantages of breastfeeding but eventually, I learned that fed is best.

So it’s perfectly fine if you can’t do this, you can just give your baby formula milk.

But if you want to, take note that nursing every 2 hours doesn’t necessarily mean feeding your baby every 2 hours.

It actually means emptying out your breast for milk regularly. So in order to do that, you need to get a breast pump.

I had a Medela before but I wished I got a Spectra. Not that Medela was bad but I wished I researched more thoroughly before and knew what I really needed in a breast pump.

But anyway, you can check out my breast pump reviews here.

  • Increase your milk supply

My friends and a lot of people I know have highly recommended “malunggay” or horseradish to increase my milk supply. Unfortunately, they don’t sell that here in Singapore but I did try some fenugreek and some lactation cookies. Sadly it didn’t do any wonders for me.

Still, there are ways to increase your milk supply by drinking lots of water, eating oatmeal, or trying out other food. 

You can also find out the root cause of your low milk supply. 

Maybe your baby has a tongue-tie, maybe you need a nipple shield, you might need to establish a more regular feeding schedule (which I tried but can’t seem to work out), etc.

Check out Kellymom for more breastfeeding tips.

  • Dealing with engorged or blocked ducts

One of the few helpful things that I’ve learned from my antenatal class is putting a cold cabbage on your breast when it’s feeling engorged. 

But apparently, a cold compress (a bag of frozen peas can also work) can also lower milk supply.

Using a cold compress might be a good idea if you’re trying to wean but if you don’t want your milk supply to be affected, you can try to massage your breast and put a warm compress (heating pad or microwaved flaxseed pillow) instead.

  • Introduce bottle-feeding

At one point or another, you’ll need to bottle-feed your baby, especially if you need someone to take care of them while you’re away for work or errands.

Before introducing the bottle, wait until you feel that your breast milk supply has been established and breastfeeding is generally going well.

Formula Feeding Tips

  • All commercial formulas are the same

I was surprise to hear these from the doctors of that antenatal class I attended.

Apparently, they’re all regulated to ensure that they’re safe and contain important nutrients that babies need. I’ve always thought that some formula milk is better than others. 

But of course, it’s still best to do your research and ask your doctor.

  • Clean bottles thoroughly

That goes without saying to always use properly cleaned and dried bottles for your baby. Soap and milk residues are a big no-no.

Baby bottles are dishwasher safe but if you’re like me who doesn’t have a dishwasher, you can clean, sterilize and store the bottle the regular, traditional way.

If you’d like a more convenient way of sterilizing and storing baby bottles, get a UV bottle sterilizer. This was a lifesaver for me and a space saver for our tiny kitchen.

I highly recommend the Haenim which came free with the stem cell banking insurance for my kid.

  • Avoid air/bubbles in the bottle

When mixing the formula powder with water, don’t shake it too much as it might produce some bubbles in the milk.

Also, when bottle-feeding your baby, make sure to position the bottle in such a way that the milk fills the entire nipple to avoid air going inside.

I used Dr. Brown’s bottle with the vent system which helped prevent air bubbles, that can cause your child to be gassy or to spit up more.

  • Make enough milk

Don’t make too little nor too much that it will go to waste. Remember how expensive formula milk is and how tiny your baby’s stomach is in the first few weeks.

Click here for a formula feeding guide.

If your baby didn’t finish their milk, don’t save and refrigerate that for the next feeding. 

Just throw it as bacteria from her saliva can still contaminate the milk.

  • Use refrigerated formula within 24 hours

You can make several bottles of formula milk ahead of time and just keep them in the fridge for use throughout the day.

I actually tried doing this just to see if it’s faster and more convenient. I personally still preferred just preparing fresh milk for my baby.

  • Warm-up the milk properly

Don’t ever microwave your baby’s milk as it can create hot spots that can burn your baby’s mouth.

Use either a bottle warmer or put it in a bowl filled with hot water for at least 10-15 minutes or whenever it’s warm enough.

  • Making formula milk can be stressful at times

Or maybe it was just me, but I remember getting stressed while making my baby’s milk, especially when I’m extremely sleep-deprived and her wailings are starting to sound otherworldly. 

She’d be waking up every 2-3 hours and it was really difficult, especially at night. 

I’d be jolted out of whatever little sleep I was supposed to sink in, hearing her cry for her milk then I would groggily go to the kitchen, where I would feel panicky when my baby’s cries were getting louder and scarier. Those were the days. 

  • Sometimes your baby will refuse the milk bottle

Don’t give up though. I never had this problem with my little one but I’ve heard and read other moms going through this. 

Just try again, then try differently, check if somethings wrong with the bottle, or the milk, then finally, try a new bottle or maybe try a new milk.

Playing With Your Newborn

  • Always be gentle with your newborn

They are not ready to be tossed in the air or even just jiggled on your knee. Remember how weak their head and neck muscles are and even just shaking them can already cause serious brain damage. So don’t play rough with your newborn and always be gentle with them.

You can check out some newborn developmental activities here that’s helpful to meet their milestones.

  • Invest in a good baby carrier

They are a lifesaver, whether for indoor or outdoor activities. 

You can use them indoors when your baby is feeling particularly fussy, wants to be close to you but you have a million things to do. 

And it’s super convenient to just put your baby in a baby carrier rather than carrying and pushing a stroller.

I personally used an ErgoBaby Omni 360 then turned to Kinderpack when she turned 2.5 yrs old because, well the Ergo broke. Not sure if it was my fault or what but it had a good run and it was really quite easy and comfy to use.

Indoor Baby Activities and Tips

  • Newborns can already do tummy time

I seriously did not know that newborns can already practice doing tummy time, not until after our first monthly checkup.

But I’m kinda glad I did wait until after my baby was a month old as I was so scared to do it, she looked so small and fragile.

You can try doing it as soon as you come home from the hospital. Or even right after birth, doing skin-to-skin at the hospital!

Check out this video on how to do tummy time and its benefits for your baby.

  • Connect with your newborn

Talking a lot to your baby would expose them early on to different words, kick-starting their verbal and language development.

At first, you’d probably get self-conscious and think you’re losing your marbles but you’d get used to it. Just describe to them your day, what you’re doing, etc.

You can also put up some simple black and white books around them, on a playmat, when doing tummy time, to stimulate their visual skills.

I usually just prop up some books and surround my kid with her stuffed toys when we do tummy time.

You can also listen to some fun and at times, soothing music.

You can also let your baby use a baby activity mat to keep them busy while you do chores, or work.

Having a colorful crib mobile is also a fun way for them to engage their visual skills and develop them.

You can also use an app like the Baby Sparks app to guide you on age-appropriate and various activities for your newborn. I used this extensively, even paid for a subscription and it gave me a lot of ideas on how to play with my baby while developing her skills.

There’s also this Wonder Weeks app, that will tell you which phase your baby is going through. It was extremely helpful in understanding why a newborn is acting like this and that.

Just don’t overdo the activities as babies can only stay awake for only 45 mins to an hour.

Anything longer than that will make them too tired and fussy, making it hard for them to settle down for a nap or sleep.

  • Do skin-to-skin contact regularly

This was probably one of the things I regretted not doing the most when my little one was just a newborn.

She looked so fragile then and I had my stupid CS and back operation to manage so I had to wait until at least 3 months before I could do this. I couldn’t even lie down on my back for 3 months but I digress.

There’s a lot of benefits from doing skin-to-skin such as relieving stress, releases oxytocin for bonding, calms your baby, stabilizes heart and breathing rate, improves immunity, better sleep for your baby, and more.

  • Change the position of their head

I didn’t have a problem with this before but I have a friend who had this head issue with her baby then. Apparently their baby just sticks to one position even when awake, hence developing that flat spot.

If you want to avoid a flat head, do lots of tummy time activities and change your baby’s head position from time to time, if they only stay in one position all the time.

Going out with a newborn

  • Know car seat basics

A few weeks before your due date, make sure that the car seat is installed properly in your vehicle and know the basics of keeping your child safe and secure in it.

Here’s a video on how to buckle your newborn in a car seat

You can also try practicing beforehand with a small doll or stuff toy.